jeudi 6 septembre 2007

My name is Flor. I am an alcoholic.

But I'm not going to rehab...

and don't forget to check the other crazy alcoholics on You Tube because they rule!!!

6 commentaires:

Carsen's Tía a dit…

this is awesome!!!!! wooop wwoooop!!! hehehe.

Pippi a dit…

Hahaha Great! I loved it!

::: sissi ::: a dit…

2 *thumbs up* :)

S. a dit…


Tu as trouvé ta reconversion... alcoolo...euh...chanteuz'! hihi

Guls a dit…


i'm glad you're comin' to terms...

P.S: totally reminds me of those guys at kum beach :)))

s:onthego a dit…

me gusta tu silla, se ve agusto, lol

y cantas bien, a ver cuando cantas el rey o guadalajara, no se alguna rachera... lol
