lundi 9 avril 2007


It was intended to be a short answer to a Kelkian question on the Mothership, but then, as usual with me, it got out of my hands. So here's my list of favorite latin musicians :

Reggaeton is a matter of controversy for women all over Latin America.

Usually its lyrics are about how women are a bunch of whores that just want to get laid (by men is understood), but from time to time, you find some reggaeton that maybe is not that obvious...

For example : "Atrevete-te" from Calle 13 a group from Puerto Rico

The lyrics say something like :

Atrevete-te-te-te (Come on, dare !)
salte del closet (come out of the closet)
destapate (take your clothes off)
sacate el esmalte (take the polish off)
dejarte de taparte (stop hiding)
que nadie va a retratarte (no one is gonna take a pic)
levantate ponte hyper (get up, get hyper)
prendete (get on fire)
sacale chispas al estarter (make the starter sparkle)
prendete en fuego (get on fire on fire :P)
como un arte (i'm not sure of this line)
sacudete el cinturon como si fuera un whiper (shake the belt like it was a whiper)
que tu eres callejera streetfighter ('coz you are a street girl streetfighter)

so... it's ambiguous no ?

As for me, I say, if it's good dancing music, the kind that makes you just wanna get on the dance floor and shake your ass, I don't give a damn about the lyrics.

For example :

Gasolina from Daddy Yankee, Puerto Rico too

The songs basically says "A ella le gusta la Gasolina, Dame mas Gasolina, Como le encanta la Gasolina, Dame mas Gasolina" (She likes Fuel, give me more Fuel, how she loves Fuel, give more Fuel), and of course, fuel is... :P

I just LOOOOVE that song to dance !

As for my favorite latin artists :

Juan Luis Guerra
from Republica Dominicana

El costo de la vida

La bilirrubina

La cosquillita

Ojala que llueva café

El Niagara en bicicleta

Bachata rosa


Joe Arroyo
from Colombia

La Rebelion

Echau pa'lante

Shakira of course
from Colombia

La Tortura (awesome video !!! this girls moves her boobs, her ass, her every particule !)

Hips don't Lie

Ojos Asi

Ciega Sordomuda

Beautiful Liar (feat. Beyonce or the other way around)

Rubén Blades
from Panama

These are songs to hear and read. Look up the lyrics if you want to know what they mean.

Pedro Navaja

El Padre Antonio y su monaguillo Andrés


from Mexico

El Muelle de San Blas

Rayando el Sol

Enjoy !

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

me llamo lisa, y soy la chica que tenge la pregunta para ti... soy una kelkian!!!! (carsenstia)

yeah, my spanish is AWFUL, but i just wanted to say thanks for all the information you provided on the forum... MAGNOLIA ROCKS!!!

parle francais un petit peu aussi... pero no parle bien... lol

thanks again! :)

Magnolia31 a dit…

Hola Lisa !

Mucho gusto y mas !

You're very welcome and let me know if you find nice latin music out there and if you want to practice Spanish, I'd be more than happy to help ! Or with French... :-D