mardi 10 avril 2007

La phrase du jour

Hervé Le Tellier works for "Le Monde".

Today his quote made me laugh :

59% des sondés (par téléphone fixe) pensent que Nicolas Sarkozy sera président. 58% des détenteurs de portables répondent : "c ségo ki sra élu lol."

Which means "59 of people polled (by normal telephone) think that NS is gonna be president. 58% of cell phone holders answer : "no sego is gonna be elected lol""

Within two weeks we are gonna vote for the 1rst round on presidential elections and polls are going crazy.

So the last one said something like that : 59% of the people think that Nicolas Sarkozy is gonna be elected...

1) What "people" ?
2) "Think" does not equal "Vote" !

Even I think that he's gonna be elected and I hate the guy's gut (he's like a smarter Bush if you wanna get an idea of how bad the guy is) !

Democracy is definitely not working these days...

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