mardi 11 novembre 2008

Stupid human beings

I was not going to, but this last piece of news compelled me to post this bad vibes message, sorry :

Hitmen 'killed matadors' horses'

Three mounted matadors are on trial in Spain accused of hiring Colombian hitmen to set fire to a dozen horses belonging to a rival in June 2001.

Six animals belonging to the Domecq family died after petrol bombs were put in their horseboxes. Six others took years to recover from serious burns.

But they were not the intended target, prosecutors said. The hitmen were meant to kill those of another man....

Pfff.... stupid human beings....

But wait ! there's more !

Christian infighting in Jerusalem

The argument over rights within Jerusalem's Church of the Holy Sepulchre is as complicated and seemingly intractable as the Middle East conflict itself.

Many Christians believe the church in the heart of Jerusalem's old city marks the place of Jesus Christ's death, burial and resurrection. As such, it is arguably Christianity's holiest site.

The church is grudgingly shared by six claimant communities - Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Armenian Orthodox, Syrian Orthodox, Egyptian Copt and Ethiopian Orthodox - who have always jealously defended their rights over various parts of the complex.

Rivalry between the groups dates back to the aftermath of the crusades and to the great schism between Eastern and Western Christianity in the 11th Century.

So intense is the intra-Christian dispute that the six communities cannot agree which of them should have a key to the site's main door. Consequently, two Muslim families have been the sole guardians of the 25cm (10 inch) key since they were entrusted with the task by the Muslim ruler Saladin in 1178. One family is responsible for unlocking the door each morning and locking it each night, while the other is responsible for its safekeeping at all other times.

In order to settle disputes, the Ottoman sultan issued a 1757 edict (now referred to as the Status Quo agreement) which outlined jurisdiction over Jerusalem's various Christian holy places. Regarding the Holy Sepulchre, it defined exactly which parts - from chapel, to lamp, to flagstone - of the complex were to be controlled by which denomination.

So closely is the ruling followed that it took 17 years of debate before an agreement was reached to paint the church's main dome in 1995.

Monks and friars have been known to exchange blows over who owns a chapel or whose right it is to clean which step.

Religious ceremonies can appear more like singing contests with communities battling to chant the loudest.

The intractable nature of the territorial arguments over the site are epitomised by the short wooden ladder that rests on a ledge above the church's main entrance. It has been there since the 19th Century because rival groups cannot agree who has the right to take it down. Under the Status Quo agreement, rights to the windows reached by the ladder belong to the Armenians, but the ledge below is controlled by the Greeks.

So intense has the argument become that when a monk moved a chair out of the sunshine into a shadier area during a heat-wave six years ago, his action was seen as an attempted land-grab. A fight broke out that left several monks needing hospital treatment...

Pfff.... stupid human beings....

But that's not all :

Boy, 8, on double murder charge

An eight-year-old boy has appeared in court charged with the murders of his father and a lodger in the US state of Arizona last Wednesday. Police have said the child methodically planned the killings and that he admitted shooting the two men with a .22-calibre rifle.

Some people in court cried as the boy appeared in handcuffs sitting restlessly next to his mother. The boy's lawyer has complained that police questioned him without representation from a parent or lawyer and had not advised him of his rights.

Pfff... stupid human beings...

And to finish this holy string of proof that Humans are able of the best, but also of the worst, one from my home country Nicaragua, and one from Burma (which wont be object of US, UN or other divine military intervention to save the democracy since they don't have any oil going on) :

Nicaragua election clash 'deaths'

At least two people have been killed and six others injured in Nicaragua in post-election violence, according to unconfirmed reports from the country. There was gunfire as supporters and opponents of the governing left-wing Sandinista party clashed after nationwide municipal elections. The opposition and monitors alleged voting irregularities. But President Daniel Ortega, whose party claimed victory based on partial results, denied voter fraud.

Burma blogger jailed for 20 years

A Burmese blogger has been sentenced to 20 years in jail for posting a cartoon of the military leader Than Shwe. Nay Phone Latt, 28, was sentenced by a court in Rangoon's Insein prison, said his mother, Aye Than.

His blogs during the September 2007 uprising provided invaluable information about events within the locked-down country.

Aye Than said she was not allowed to attend the trial and Nay Phone Latt was not represented by his defence lawyer, Aung Thein, who began serving a four-month prison sentence for contempt of court last Friday.

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